
"On a good day, we can part the seas. On a bad day, glory is beyond our reach."

Wednesday, May 10, 2017

The Full Motley -- 2Q, 2017

Another quarter has passed, and I submitted another quick rebalance yesterday after market close.  As busy as I have been lately, my established pattern of rebalancing meant that it did not take much time to plug the numbers into my reliable spreadsheet and determine how much money to move around in order to get those investments back to my target allocation.  In this case, I moved money from my international stock index fund and my actively managed stock fund and put small portions into my bond index fund, stock index fund, my actively managed small cap fund and my high yield bond fund.

I was delighted to see that the international markets were climbing up since I have been moving money from my domestic stock index fund into an international index fund in my Roth IRA on a weekly basis, attempting to build that portion to a significantly higher percentage (as well as direct earnings out of the domestic market while it is still riding a high off the election, also the prior eight years).

In other news, a few of my triple-leveraged ETFs had stock splits or reverse stock splits at the start of the month.  It benefited me because my initial purchase of the $SPXL was for only 25 shares, so after it had doubled, I was not able to easily split that amount in half.  Of course, then I got greedy and I wanted to keep more shares after the sale than a split.  I expect to reach that amount later this month, but I am of course risking the chance that the market may turn down and I may miss my opportunity. But that is the risk and reward relationship of investing.  It is the main reason that I rebalance quarterly because, left to my own decision-making, I would (more often than not) make the wrong decision.  I suffer from the human condition.