
"On a good day, we can part the seas. On a bad day, glory is beyond our reach."

Monday, August 23, 2021

The Full Motley -- 3Q, 2021

Another update came and went this month, and I forgot to post an update because the movement was quite minimal. The total percentage moved was below 1% of my current account value, but as this account values continues to increase, these small percentages (while relatively insignificant) grow higher and higher in dollar values.

The biggest moves came out of the equity index fund, going into the international equity index fund; the amounts were almost equal. The rest moved a little more from the actively managed equity fund into the bond index fund and international bond index fund.

The most notable takeaway from this move was how, this time, I thought about the fees being charged in my account. Like I had said, only 1% of the account value was moved, but the dollar amount moved was a meaningful amount. I thought back to the not-so-distant past when actively managed mutual funds often charged 2% or 3% as an expense ratio. John C. Bogle had always warned investors to minimize the fees because the variance in performance among managers never justified the dollar value. Over the past 40 years, he was proven right. The investment industry was amid a price war that he essentially started when he passed on, truly a fitting tribute to his life's work.