
"On a good day, we can part the seas. On a bad day, glory is beyond our reach."

Sunday, May 10, 2009

The Full Motley: 2Q 2009, Part 2

I just submitted my new allocation, and it was funny because I went against my instincts, but at the same time, I felt better for it because half of my contributions are already going to Fund 84, so it was only 5% going to this fund in question and I think my instincts might be wrong.  This fund is the Total Int'l Stock Index Fund (Fund 113) but I think the Nikkei is outpacing the Dow and I've heard China has epic growth opportunities, so 5% won't make too much of a difference either way, and it is worth the risk to have this exposure.

Below are my future allocations for the next three months, followed by what I have earmarked for my allocations three months from now:

Fund 29 - 0% / 5%
Fund 84 - 55% / 10%
Fund 24 - 15% / 25%
Fund 113 - 5% / 10%
Fund 85 - 25% / 50%

Additionally, I moved some money from Fund 84 to try out another bond fund: GNMA, aka Fund 36.  This won't affect my overall allocation because they're both bond funds, and I moved an even amount, so I can keep a lazy eye on it.  I am basically giving it a try-out potentially to replace my exposure in Fund 29 (Hi-Yield).

As mentioned above, no new money is going to Fund 29 and depending how Fund 36 performs in the next three months, I may redirect the expected 5% earmarked for Fund 29 into Fund 36.

One fund that I have not discussed yet is Vanguard Explorer fund (Fund 24) which is a high-risk fund.  I don't expect high-risk, aggressive stocks to perform better than the blue chips during the rebound, but once the market has topped 10,000, then I think that opportunity exists, so if the market recovery outpaces my expectations, I have 15% (or 25% for third quarter) going to the fund to hedge against my expectations.

DISCLAIMER: Please remember that I am neither licensed nor permitted to give specific advice, so if you want investment recommendations, then please consult with a financial advisor or reputable financial sources; my favorite website is and my favorite radio station is KFNN 1510 AM "Radio That Makes You Money." The investment decisions presented above were tailored to my risk-tolerance and my financial goals. Many financial plans are at no cost to you (advisers are often paid by the investments where your money is placed).

Friday, May 8, 2009

The Full Motley: 2Q 2009, Part 1

This weekend is 5/10, which is when I make the changes in my portfolio allocations.  Unfortunately, I have learned that I made a mis-step in allocating money to the Vanguard Hi-Yield Corporate Fund because it has a 1% fee on shares sold in less than 1 year, and those bonds really reflect the nature of stocks more than bonds, so they don't capture the real diversification that I want when I establish my automatic rebalancing.  I still like the idea of bonds at 10% of the portfolio, but there are several subclasses for stock to mix up the remaining 90% (of course, like I indicated previously, I will direct 50% to Fund 84 and the other half will be a reflection of my overall target allocation mix in three more months).

Once I make the change, I will show my new allocations here, but I know I have notes at Amy's place on what I was planning to do, so I can review those to increase my comfort level with what I want to do over the next three months and what I think will happen until August.

Amazingly, the market closed above 8,500 today (up 2% today), which is a phenomenal rebound -- almost, too phenomenal since there was nothing to indicate that "everything" is on the right track for a quick recovery.  This rebound may be somewhat superficial (or artificial) but the market free-fall was very much unwarranted, so I don't expect it to take long to get back over 10,000, but I was thinking it would be around the turn of the year -- not a couple months from now.